vendredi 27 mars 2015

Scène 2 – Les Éveilleurs /// ENG

Scene 2 – The Awakeners

We failed
Isn't this our destiny ? To live like this forever ?
We were condemned by birth
They had no right to chase us !
They are all the same
I'm gonna go back… just wait and see !
Not a chance !
Look at the line, you're not tall enough!
Carefull there !
Carefull for what ?
Calm down ! This is useless !
They don't even want to know who we are
They just look down on us
We have to go back now !
No, we don't. We have to think about another plan
Let's just rush in !
Yeah, rush in !
You're stupid !
Some of them are different !
Don't start !
You fell in love… that's it !
I didn't !
Yeah...sure !
I saw one who couldn't take his eyes away from you during the attack
Not at all!
Are you done here ? Don't you think we should come up with another plan?
No need ! We'll never succeed !
If that's what you're thinking…
I'm going, alone…
I'm gonna talk to them !
You mean you're gonna talk to HIM !
She's right, I don't know who he is but he could become an ally
I can come with you if you want
No, I think she'd rather go alone
Just don't listen to them, if you think you can succeed… then go !
I'll leave tomorrow !
We'll wait for your return to decide what we'll do next !
That's a no-brainer !
Quiet !
(They're out)
I hope he'll remember me !

jeudi 26 mars 2015

Scène 2 – Les Membres de la Ligne /// ENG

Scene 2 – The Members of the Line

Did you hear that ?
They want to get into the city !
But where are they from ?
Who are they ?
What are they looking for ?
They had nothing !
They were wandering about aimlessly
They were lost
We gave them the light and the heat
It was enough for them to live in the shadow of our generosity at first
And now they want more !
Always more !
A few hours of our light is enough though…
They are at the city door and we have to repel them
Why not giving them what they want ?
It would endanger our system !
We cannot accept that they become part of our world
They have to stay on the outskirts
They do know the rules, don't they ?
Yes, but they don't know the codes, they would not understand our decisions
And if we accept those first awakeners, others will come, and then some more
And we will quickly be overthrown
We will not be able to keep control
Maybe we should change the way we communicate
The people doesn't understand our arrogance
Perhaps, if they feel closer to us, a new balance could be found
Balance ? You're talking about balance ? But we are balance, we are what we created, the city is our masterpiece, nobody can take over the right to access our priviledge
Some day, we might need them…
It is too late
The line is in place
It is ready to operate
The line is in place
They are going to understand where they belong
That is, behind the line

(they all stand up and get out)
Let's witness their defeat
After you my dear !
So nice of you
I am still a little worried
Don't be, the line protects us !
What if some of them cross it
This is impossible… They haven't got the codes !
Of course, they haven't !


jeudi 19 mars 2015

Nouveau concours !

Tout le monde gagne des points ! 
(du moins si vous participez!)

On fait appel à vos talents d'artistes.
Vous devez créer un logo représentant votre équipe !

Vous pouvez avoir recours à la photo, au dessin, au montage, tout ce que vous voulez, tant que ça fait un logo.

Vous l'envoyez au format image à cette adresse:

et AVANT le 31 MARS !

140 points à la première équipe 
100 points à la deuxième équipe
90 points aux troisièmes
80 aux quatrièmes
70 aux cinquièmes
60 au sixièmes
50 aux septièmes
40 aux huitièmes
30 aux neuvièmes
20 aux dixièmes
et 14 aux derniers.

0 aux équipes qui n'ont pas répondu
(merci aux vigilants)



(si vous avez des question, posez-les ici)

Introduction Cour de la Ligne /// ENG

The Line Court

(The line court is here, they are standing at first and they start talking together, they are aware of their privileged status, they hold the line in their hands)

...There is a feudal seduction
… A secret seigneury (they gracefully settle down)
… with its ancient seduction
… Its seductive enchantresses
… A reassuring seduction
… A secure seduction
… A settled seduction
… settled ?
… We are settled !
… sediment strata !

(Suddenly, one of them shows the line)

… This is the ancient cement against sedition
… It is a social sedative
… It is segregation !
… maybe a little sectarian...
… It prevents unrest
… Our secret seigneury preserves its section !
… Settled !

… now and forever, we remain...
… a feudal seduction
… A secret seigneury
… with its ancient seduction
… Its seductive enchantresses
… A reassuring seduction
… A secure seduction
… A settled seduction
… settled ?
… We are settled !
… sediment strata !

mercredi 11 mars 2015

Introduction des Éveilleurs /// ENG

The awakeners:

A – Hurry up !
B – Time to go!
A – Please, just a little bit longer !
B – It makes me warmer, it feels good !
A – Come on... it's time... They're waiting for us!
A – Hurry... Come on... I don't want the meeting to start before we're there!
B – I just forget everything, I'm so good here! It makes me dizzy!
A – Well, if you stay here, you're gonna fall, dude ! Come on now, we're done here. You're coming with us now.
B – I'm overwhelmed by a million thoughts !
A – You're a pain, you know (He drags him and they're out)

NAR : Your warmth time is now over. Time has come for everyone to go home.
We wish you a good day under the light of the Line.


They enter

You're late !
You almost got caught !
A – It's his fault ! He stayed...
B – Lost in my thoughts... This is no crime !
A – The lights could have detected you!
B – A million thoughts came to my mind... A kind of peace... in me !
Well, it's not so much your thoughts that worry me!
It's the others ! Them !
What gives them the right to take the warmth away from us ?
What's that light line ?
It's not enough !
I'm fed up with this ! I'll go. I'll go tell them!
What will you tell them ?
You think they'll give a toss ?
They just don't see us !
They don't even know we exist...
(imitating) Go home ! Go home !
(imitating) The light is enough... Don't worry!
Well NO ! This isn't enough!
We're freezing to death !
I want to go out and feel the warmth of the sun with every step!
I want to live something different!
We need to put our heads together and do something !
We can't get close to the city, the emanating energy would destroy us!
You'd rather live like this, give up and die without having tried anything
I agree with you, I'm in! Show us the way !
He (she) comes closer to the table where there is a map
The city is surrounded by a huge desert that stretches from the Deaf Lines to the borders of the Minor Line.
We mustn't waste any time and find our way...
Maps are not accurate enough
We'll only have the time given by the light of the Line
We'll have to find the city door before the lights are out
And then, enter a world we know nothing about.
And when we're finally there, what will we tell them ?
We'll have to make them yield
No violence, no conflict! only words.
They won't let us, the squads will attack us...

… Then we'll try again...

Introduction des Membres /// ENG

The members of the Line

Today, we're welcoming eminent members of the Line who wished to share their concern about the disrespect of the established rules by groups of rebels… who, despite the renewed bans…

- « Awakeners », they call themselves « Awakeners » !
- That is ridiculous !
- I wonder what they have to awaken !!!
- They could wake up with the sun... ha ha ha !!!
- Yes, they could ! Instead of complaining about not seeing it enough...
- They just have to get up earlier !!

Actually, several questions have been asked by those who kindly follow this show, like this one: (IN questions)
Those who call themselves “the awakeners” complain about the fact that their light time is weaker and shorter everyday, that they cannot live in such conditions and...

- Indeed, we have been forced to take radical measures in the last few weeks. Only authorized people can move about and they are all under our beams' control...
- Which helps them move in a way... ha ha ha
- This way, they can see where they are going... ha ha ha !
- The awakeners cannot escape from us!
- We control them!
- Soon, the cold will make them quiet again.
- And bring them to heel !
- The Line is here but its light brings no warmth
- Our squads maintain law and order.

Nevertheless, there is a recurrent question:
Since the decision to lower the intensity of the Line has been taken, streets have remained empty and there are consequences on the activity of the city. When will it be possible for you to come back on your decision and give the city... some of its warmth back, so to speak ?

- The awakeners have been a threat to this city for far too long, they will learn at their own expense that nobody can defy the members of the line without being punished.

Another question...


Well ! We are forced to interrupt our program... it would appear that a signal... We will be back after a short break.

(IN) The awakeners ! There're here! We have to step in. We need your permission to repel them. The threat is real. What should we do ?

Use all necessary means, it is of utmost importance that the people of the city do not get in touch with those subjects.

It might be time to meet them ? To talk with them ?

That is impossible, others have already tried, they must stay away, the safety of our way of life is at stake.

The Line must remain ours.

(IN) We're running out of time, we're waiting for your command. What should we do ?

Introduction de la pièce /// ENG

This is the future of an already altered planet Earth.
The cold reigns unchallenged on Earth and the populations are divided.
The members of the Line, a social-climbers cast, rule this world in distress.
They lay down the law and have build a system that leaves no room for protest.
They have such power that they can master the whole population.
Control of the heat and sunshine is their weapon.
Every day they decide how long people can enjoy the light.
The remaining time, depending on their mood, only a cold imposed line remains. They claim it's enough to live and move about. 
Sometimes, they happen to give everybody a little more warmth, these moments usually correspond  to when they are among the weakest.

These are side moments they concede to the people to look more powerful to them.

mardi 10 mars 2015


Lundi 16 Mars, 
réunion de 13h00 à 13h30 
pour tous:

de documents administratifs 
pour le projet!

Prévoyez vos porte-vues!

et sinon, il y a de nouveaux sponsors 
les rôles sont mis à jour

lundi 9 mars 2015

comme un lundi.

le lundi, c'est dur de se lever et d'aller travailler...
alors pour vous redonner un peu d'énergie, 
j'offre des points à ceux qui me diront qui est cet homme 
(je veux bien son nom, hein!)

25 points à la première équipe 
14 points à la deuxième équipe
7 points aux troisièmes
3 aux quatrièmes


en effet, il s'agit bien du sympathique d'Harald V
roi de Norvège.

Bravo à Florian qui fait remporter 25 points aux TPNG
puis à Joshua, 14 points pour les Ninja Turtles
puis à Clara, 7 points pour les Shadow Unicorns
et pour finir à Alisson, 3 points pour les Smafrites

dimanche 1 mars 2015

Nouvelles fraîches de Jean-Michel !

"les élèves de première du lycée de Bergeland à
Stavanger travaillent sur les poèmes. Qui jouera avec eux?!"

" les élèves de terminale de Bergeland qui joueront avec nous"

"Dans le lycée d'arts et du spectacle de Vaagen à Sandnes,
je découvre un lieu qui me plait beaucoup tant il est dans l'esprit de la cité
des éveilleurs, nous allons investir ce lieu!!"

"Lors de mon passage à Haukeliseter, une course de ski de fond de 100
kilomètres était organisée....sous une tempête de neige....
les norvégiens sont fous, 
nous on fera 1 kilomètres mais sans les skis."

"Je voulais vous montrer les chalets dans lesquels nous allons
probablement dormir (ou nous camperons à côté) 
mais là, ils étaient pas visibles!!"

"les routes des hauts plateaux de Norvège en hiver, 
ça commence comme ça..."

"et ça fini comme ça!!Ne vous inquiétez pas, en Mai, vous verrez 
la route...mais aussi la neige!"

"Les Chanteurs de Linderud"

"le groupe 1 de Linderud"

"et le groupe 2 de Linderud"!

"les techniciens de Linderud en action"

"ou pas..."